Tuesday, August 11, 2009


WALDO--"Mom, I cannot believe you did that dirty trick to me on my Birthday!  It was a low blow.  I am not going to let you get by with doing stuff like this to me.  I am getting Miss Buttons, our private Bulldog attorney to write you a letter and demand damages.  Do you hear me Mom?  I mean it, I am paw stopping mad.  You had to no right to show the world my baby pictures."
MOM--"Waldo, get a grip on your temper.  There is no reason to be this upset.  People love the picture.  Lots of people have written saying how adorable it is."
WALDO--"But Mom, I am a hot babe with the girls.  How will I live this down?  All the other boys will make fun of me.  The girls will all clamor to Sir Justice.  It is just not fair Mom.  You did not put his baby picture up on my blog.  Oh yes, Mom, remember, it is MY BLOG.  It is not yours.  I am just so mad, I am going to my room and play with teddy bear."
MOM--"Waldo, did you just say you are going to play with your teddy bear?"
WALDO--"Don't go there Mom, he is a devoted little bear.  Unlike you."
MOM--"Waldo, let's sit down and talk about this, please?  I have some beggin' strips and meaty bones."
WALDO--"No, I am not talking to you."
MOM--"Why don't you go take a nap with Mr. Bear and when you get up, we can discuss it."
WALDO--"Fine, but I am not getting over this easily.  You are not going to buy me off with a few cookies.  Come on Mr. Bear, let's just go get into Mom's big bed.  I dare her to say no."
MOM--"That is fine Waldo, you can get into my bed."
WALDO--" I am calling Miss buttons too, on your phone!!!!"
MOM--"Okay Waldo."
MOM--" Now that he is sleeping, what am I going to do......................he is really mad............."
to be continued

1 comment:

Chris said...

Waldo, I hope you've regained your composure! You have such a sweet mom, it could be a lot worse, so go give her a big kiss and tell her you love her cause you know you do!